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Structure of content.json

Every ZeroNet site has a content.json file. (Example content.json file)

This file will carry, among other things, a list of all files on your site and a signature created with your private key. This is used to ensure authenticity of site files and avoid tampering (ie: only you, or people you trust, can update your site's content).

Here is a list of supported content.json keys:

Generated automatically

These keys are added automatically when the site is created or cloned.


Your site address

Example: 1TaLk3zM7ZRskJvrh3ZNCDVGXvkJusPKQ


The site address's BIP32 sub-key index of your BIP32 seed. Auto-added when you clone a site. It allows recovery of the site's privatekey from your BIP32 seed.

Example: 30926910


Only for cloned sites. The site address where the site is cloned from.

Example: 1BLogC9LN4oPDcruNz3qo1ysa133E9AGg8


Only for cloned sites. The sub-directory on the site which this was cloned from.

Example: template-new


Size and sha512 hashes of automatically downloaded files contained in your site. Automatically added by the command siteSign siteaddress privatekey.


    "css/all.css": {
      "sha512": "869b09328f07bac538c313c4702baa5276544346418378199fa5cef644c139e8",
      "size": 148208


Size and sha512 hashes of optional files contained in your site. Automatically added by the command siteSign siteaddress privatekey.


    "data/myvideo.mp4": {
      "sha512": "538c09328aa52765443464135cef644c144346418378199fa5cef61837819538",
      "size": 832103


Time when the content.json was generated.

Example: 1425857522.076

sign (deprecated)

ECDSA sign of the content.json file content. (keys sorted, without whitespace and the sign and signers_sign nodes). For backward compatibility, will be removed soon.


  "sign": [


Possible signer addresses for the root content.json signed using the site address private key. Multiple entries are allowed here, allowing for site Multisig functionality.

Format of the signed string: [number_of_signers_required]:[signer address],[signer address]


signs_required: 1:1PcxwuHYxuJEmM4ydtB1vbiAY6WkNgsz9G,1CK6KHY6MHgYvmRQ4PAafKYDrg1ejbH1cE
signers_sign: MEUCIQDuz+CzOVvFkv1P2ra9i5E1p1G0/1cOGecm7GpLpMLhuwIgBIbCL0YHXD1S2+x48QS5VO/rISrkdLiUR+o+x1X0y1A=

The above signed message is signed using the address "1PcxwuHYxuJEmM4ydtB1vbiAY6WkNgsz9G".


ECDSA signature for the content.json file content:

  • sign, signs JSON nodes removed
  • JSON dumped with keys sorted alphabetically, without whitespace
  • Signature generated on the dumped data, using Electrum Bitcoin message signature format:
    • Message encoding: sha256("\x18" || "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" || num_to_var_int(len(message)) || message)
    • Serialization format: recovery_id || r || s, where 27 ≤ recovery_id ≤ 30; signature length = 1 + 32 + 32 = 65 bytes.
    • Double vertical bar || denotes byte concatenation.


  "signs": {
    "1TaLk3zM7ZRskJvrh3ZNCDVGXvkJusPKQ": "G6/QXFKvACPQ7LhoZG4fgqmeOSK99vGM2arVWkm9pV/WPCfc2ulv6iuQnuzw4v5z82qWswcRq907VPdBsdb9VRo="
Code example
import json
import btctools

privatekey = "super_secret_private_key"
privatekey_address = "private_key_address"

with open('content.json') as f:
    new_content = json.load(f)

del(new_content["signs"])  # Delete old signs
sign_content = json.dumps(new_content, sort_keys=True)
sign = btctools.ecdsa_sign(sign_content, privatekey)
new_content["signs"] = {}
new_content["signs"][privatekey_address] = sign


The ZeroNet version used to generate content.json file.

Example: 0.2.5

Optional Settings

These options can be added if the functionality is needed.


Background color of the wrapper

Example: #F5F5F5


Allow to clone the site if true.

To make your site properly cloneable you have to have a separate folder of data files for a clean start (e.g. without any blog posts). To do this you have to add the -default postfix to your data files and directories. During the cloning process, only directories with the -default postfix are copied. The postfix is removed from the new site.


Description of your site, displayed under the site title on ZeroHello.

Example: Decentralized forum demo


Namecoin domain name of your site. ZeroHello will link to this if the user has Zeroname plugin enabled.

Example: Blog.ZeroNetwork.bit


Do not sign files matching this pattern.

Example: ((js|css)/(?!all.(js|css))|data/users/.*) (ignore all js and css files except all.js and all.css and don't add anything from the data/users/ directory)

Note: Some restrictions apply to regular expressions.


Include another content.json in the site. This is typically used for subsequent content.json files that are used to govern user data.


"includes": {
  "data/users/content.json": {
    "signers": [  # Possible signers address for the file
    "signers_required": 1 # The *number* of Valid signs required to accept the file (Multisig possibility),
    "files_allowed": "data.json", # Preg pattern for the allowed files in the include file
    "includes_allowed": false, # Whether nested includes are allowed
    "max_size": 10000, # Max allowed size of included content.json and files it signs (in bytes)


The type of merger this site is a part of.

Example: ZeroMe


Preg pattern of optional files.

Example: (data/mp4/.*|updater/.*) (everything in data/mp4 and updater directory is optional)

Note: Some restrictions apply to regular expressions.


The number of valid signs required to accept the file. Allows for Multisig functionality.

Example: 1


The site's title, visible in the browser title and on ZeroHello.

Example: ZeroTalk


Files need be translated. (use language json files in the languages directory)

Example: ["index.html", "js/all.js"]


The site's favicon. Replaces the default ZeroNet logo with a site-specific icon. Can be a .ico, .png, .svg, etc.

Example: favicon.ico


Rules of allowed user content within the current directory.

Node Description
archived Delete the specified user content directory that is signed earlier than the specified timestamp (key: directory name, value: timestamp)
archived_before Delete all user content directory if that is signed earlier than the specified timestamp
cert_signers Accepted domains and valid signer addresses
cert_signers_pattern Accepted cert signers regexp pattern
permission_rules Allowed file names and total directory size based on cert domain or authorization method
permissions Per-user permissions. (false = banned user)


  "user_contents": {
    "archived": {
      "1165u6pt5mQNFjyhMVwy6azB7bZuQGLA9b": 1523088096
    "archived_before": 1523088096,
    "cert_signers": {
      "zeroid.bit": [ "1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz" ]
    "cert_signers_pattern": "1Zero[0-9].*",
    "permission_rules": {
      ".*": {
        "files_allowed": "data.json",
        "files_allowed_optional" : "\\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif|webm|mp4|ogg|mp3|pdf|epub|zip|tar\\.gz)(\\.piecemap\\.msgpack)",
        "max_size": 10000,
        "max_size_optional": 10000000
      "bitid/.*@zeroid.bit": { "max_size": 40000 },
      "bitmsg/.*@zeroid.bit": { "max_size": 15000 }
    "permissions": {
      "bad@zeroid.bit": false,
      "nofish@zeroid.bit": { "max_size": 100000 }

Note: Some restrictions apply to regular expressions.


Content for the viewport meta tag. (Used for mobile-friendly pages)

Example: width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0

Regular expression limitations

To avoid the ReDoS algorithmic complexity attack, the following restrictions are applied to each pattern:

  • . character is mandatory before repetition characters of *,+,{
  • Maximum 9 repetitions are allowed in a single pattern
  • The maximum length of a pattern is 255 characters


  • ((?!json).)*$ not allowed, because of ) before the * character. Possible fix: .*(?!json)$
  • (.*.epub|.*.jpg|.*.jpeg|.*.png|data/.*.gif|.*.avi|.*.ogg|.*.webm|.*.mp4|.*.mp3|.*.mkv|.*.eot) not allowed, because it has 12 .* repetition patterns. Possible fix: .*(epub|jpg|jpeg|png|data/gif|avi|ogg|webm|mp4|mp3|mkv|eot)